Place your eggs with the pointed end facing down. Store away from food with strong smells, as eggshells are porous and able to absorb smells.
The higher the temperature, the faster the deterioration of egg quality. That’s why we strongly recommend refrigerating your eggs to prevent bacteria growth and reduce the risk of spoilage. If that isn’t an option, then keep them as cool as you can, away from heat, and use them as soon as possible!
Be sure to avoid moving your eggs in and out of cool areas, as the resulting condensation on eggshells increases the likelihood of bacteria entering the egg or mould growing on the shell.
When hens lay their eggs, they coat them in a cuticle layer that prevents bacteria from entering the egg through the shell. Washing the egg removes this natural protective layer, which makes it even more likely to go bad in storage!
If you do wish to wash your eggs, do so just before using them.
Seng Choon is well known for egg freshness that can be immediately noticed from our “3-layer eggs”.
When a fresh egg is cracked open, the yolk should be thick and in the centre while the thicker part of the white should be clearly defined around it.
On the other hand, old or even stale eggs tend to have flat yolks and runny whites.
Since 2015, the American Dietary Guidelines have removed cholesterol limits from food. Therefore, there are no longer any recommended limits on how many eggs people should eat! Eggs are nutrient-dense and can contribute much to your health! Do remember, just like all other food, remember to eat in moderation!
That’s called the chalazae and its purpose is to anchor the yolk to the centre of the egg. There is no need to remove this as it is part of the egg!
Blood spots, typically seen in egg yolks, come from ruptured blood vessels in the hen’s ovaries or oviduct.
Meat spots come from pieces of tissue that the egg picked up while passing through the oviduct.
Both are natural, harmless parts of the egg-laying process and you can pick out the spots out with spoon.
Our automated egg grader usually removes such eggs. However, even machines have their limits and sometimes an egg gets through despite our checks.
A chicken can sometimes release two yolks in the same shell, resulting in a double yolk. This natural surprise can be found more commonly in our jumbo eggs!
There is no nutritional difference whatsoever between brown and white eggs. The colour difference simply comes from different breeds of chicken!
The older the hen, the larger her eggs.
The breed and feed intake may also affect the egg size.
Unfortunately, due to bio-security regulations, we are not open to farm visits. If you would like to learn more about how our farm operates, be sure to “visit” us via our animated farm tour at
The SFA prohibited farms from selling and distributing farm animals to the public.
We do not carry any fertilized eggs as all the chickens in our farm are hens. With no roosters, no eggs can be fertilized.
Raw and undercooked eggs may contain Salmonella that can make you ill. This can cause nausea, fever, abdominal cramps, and diarrhoea up to 72 hours after consuming a contaminated egg.
To reduce such risks, we recommended storing your eggs in the refrigerator and to thoroughly cook them before consumption.
Raw eggs contain the anti-nutrient avidin, a protein in the egg white, that binds to biotin, making it unavailable as vitamin. If you eat large quantities of raw egg you could theoretically become biotin deficient. Cooking destroys the avidin.
Salmonella infections (typically caused by Salmonella Entriditis or SE) are often linked to the consumption of contaminated eggs. The symptoms may include nausea, fever, abdominal cramps, and diarrhoea up to 72 hours after consuming a contaminated egg. Vulnerable individuals such as infants, children, pregnant women, elderly people and immune compromised patients are at higher risks.
Local egg farms are required to have in place good farm management practices and strong biosecurity measures to prevent the risks of SE contamination. Our farm is subject to SFA’s food safety surveillance programme, which includes regular inspection and testing of our flocks. If SE is detected through the tests, SFA would issue a suspension order until the farm rectifies the SE contamination.
If you are still concerned about the risks of food poisoning, the best approach is to cook eggs thoroughly.
The fresher the egg, the more the egg white sticks to the membrane. This results in fresh egg white bonding strongly to the inner shell when cooked.
The reason for this is because fresh eggs have a lower pH level. As the egg ages, the pH level rises, leading to a lower likelihood of the inner membrane bonding to the egg white, making it peel more easily.
So if you’re having trouble peeling our eggs, try letting them age for a week in your fridge before boiling and peeling them!
The colour of the yolk depends on the hen’s diet.
Hens that have a high-wheat diet will lay eggs with a light yellow yolk, while hens that feed on a diet high in corn or alfalfa will produce more yellow yolks.
The greenish ring seen around hard boiled egg yolks is caused by the reaction between the sulfur and iron compounds in the egg and does not affect the flavour or the nutrition value of the egg in any way. This usually happens when eggs are overcooked or when the cooking water is high in iron.
To avoid greenish yolks, we recommend using proper cooking times and temperatures followed by rapidly cooling the eggs once they are cooked.